Friday, December 5, 2008

Story of a Knee - Part I

Ok, I figure I better do an introductory post on this as I'll probably talk about it later.

To cut a very long story short, was playing soccer in August - went to turn direction with the ball - I hear a pop in my knee and I fall on the ground. Hurt like hell. Went to get up, pain was too bad so I collapsed again. Tried again, and managed to hobble off the field. 

The physio at the school I was playing at brought over some ice and we were told to go up to the nearby medical centre. The swelling got pretty bad quickly but it wasn't too painful after the initial fall. I remember saying "I'm feeling ok, think I can go back out". Well, I didn't. Eventually the game ended as I watched - and finally we began the 100m trek to the car. I can't tell you how painful it was. I knew it was serious after that and was waiting for bad news.

So we rock up to the medical centre and they couldn't do much till the next day, as the radiologist had gone home so I'd have to wait for an X-Ray. So we went back on the Sunday, had the X-Ray and the doc didn't like it. Wrapped my knee up in a plaster cast and was told to spend the next week on crutches. 

Skip forward a week of amazingly uncomfortable sleep (with the cast digging into leg) and we see the doc again. He still didn't like it and said I had done my meniscus, and might need surgery. Sweet. Got a referral to an orthopaedic specialist. After seeing him, he took a look at it and didn't seem to like it either. He seemed to want to speed up the whole process so he got me in for an MRI the same day. 

2 days later we picked up the MRI prints and saw the specialist again. He said I had done my meniscus and my Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and would need surgery. As you can imagine, my heart sank. Seriously felt like shit after hearing that news. Anyway, he referred us onto an orthopaedic surgeon. We had to wait about 3 weeks to see him, apparently he was on holiday or leave or something.

So we saw the surgeon sometime in September. He looked at the X-Rays and MRIs, played with my knee a bit and told us about the surgery. It was elective surgery, but obviously as a young bloke I want to be able to play sports and generally have a healthy life. Plus, if we didn't do it I'd probably get osteoarthritis in my late 20s. That and my knee gave way on me a few times a day, plus the constant clicking was more the reason to get it done. I would be on crutches for 7-10 days, which wasn't too bad. My folks agreed, and we set a date for October 1, 2008.

We rocked up to the hospital the day of the surgery and had a few hours to kill. I played Crash Bandicoot on my iPod while watching the time. Soon I had to suit up in a beautiful robe and one of the doctors came to wheel me to the OR. For some reason they were a bit late so I had to wait in the recovery room for about an hour, still in my bed. Obviously it was pretty boring and I got more and more nervous, being in a room of people who had just come out of surgery and were still smashed from the anaesthetics. Eventually that same doc came and shaved my leg, and a few minutes later we wheeled me into a room joining the OR. I met the assistant surgeon and my anaesthetist. She asked me a few questions, stuck a needle in my wrist and........

I wake up in the recovery room totally hammered from the drugs. Everything was blurry, I didn't have a fucking clue what was happening and I was as sleepy as hell. I was that out of it I asked one of the nurses if they had done the surgery yet. Obviously they had seen I had come out of the anaesthetics okay and they wheeled me back to my room. Was still very sleepy as I saw my folks again. At some stage the surgeon came and saw us, can't remember if it was before or after I had a bit of a sleep. He had bad news. Not bad bad, but not what I was hoping. 

He said I had totally done my medial meniscus (which didn't show up on the MRI) so he repaired that too. He went on to say I had a full leg brace on and would have to be on crutches for 4 weeks (compared to the mere 1 week I was expecting). I didn't think much of the brace as I had no energy to take the sheets off to look at it. My folks left, and I was in for a long night.

Eventually the nurses got some food for me, and I felt heaps better. Just layed there watching TV. I was in no pain as I was still under the drugs. If I felt a bit of pain creeping in, all I would have to do was push the button connected to the machine to increase the dose and the pain would quickly fade away. Ahhh....

Didn't get any sleep that night, nurses had to come in every 2 hours to take my blood pressure. Oh, can't forget the ice pack on my knee breaking so I had icy cold bed sheets. They had to come change my sheets, all while I was still on the bed barely able to move. That coupled with trying to pee in a bottle wasn't fun. When you're lying on your back and you're trying to go against gravity it isn't easy...never mind.

The next day breakfast was brought to me and I was cleared to be discharged after seeing the physiotherapist. She must have been pretty busy because I waited hours before she came. I was given a few little exercises to do - including bending my knee to 30 degrees. The brace itself is looked at straight extension, but you can set parameters to how far it can go when it's unlocked. She then taught me how she wanted me to use the crutches, and I went up and down a flight of stairs and we were done. I go to a school that's 3 stories high, and my locker is on the top floor - and I have classes all over the school. Fun.

We got home early-mid afternoon, and I was as useful as a door-knob. I was told to keep my knee up and to ice it every 2 hours for 20 minutes. I could obviously move around on crutches, but as the drugs wore off my knee was as painful as hell the second I stood up. I couldn't do anything for myself, not get a drink of water or anything. If I wanted to change rooms I'd have to ask someone to carry my pillows (to rest my knee on) plus the can of Coke I was drinking at the time. Was extremely frustrating. Not only was it the most pain I've ever been in (and I once had my finger half amputated, they had to sew it back on as it dangled carelessly in the wind) but it was the most mentally challenging experience I ever had.

I became semi-depressed not long after getting home. The anger of being so dependant on others plus the pain drove me insane. I had another one and a half weeks to shake it off before returning to school.

Okay, I'm tired as hell just from typing all that - so I'll finish it off later. Please ignore the whole "long story short" thing.

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